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Start anew – Look again

Autobiography of a zen priest in Japan, who started to practice kyudo in his 50th and established a famous practice hall in Japan. This is not a textbook, but rather a story about the people he met during his life and how they affected him – and conversely how he affected them.
In fact, I met this priest when I came at the age of 22 to Japan to practice kyudo (Japanese archery). Just this one meeting made me change all my plans, changing my life completely. This translation was never intended to be a commercial enterprise, but I considered it an obligation, a mission to repay my debts to that priest.
His views about Buddhism, zen and in particular kyudo are likely not representative, but they still offer numerous hints. Since it is a story about him making efforts over the course of his life to find “his way”, in English maybe his vocation, it could be enlightening for people who struggle to cope in/with life. Yet, the book is certainly not meant as a guide to solve life problems.
It contains many Buddhist, zen and kyudo technical terms and concepts and therefore may not necessarily be an easy read. But for people interested in traditional Japanese concepts, Buddhism and martial arts, it should be interesting.