Category: Opinion


Just Breakfast

It is already more than 40 years ago. I was young and had recently come to Japan. Although I had been practicing Aikido and Tai Chi in Germany and came to Japan to study Kyudo, the traditional way of Japanese archery, this most probably did not significantly affect the experience I am going to describe.

In the past I mostly avoided talking about this event, because I felt that talking about it would both be interpreted as boasting and possibly find little understanding among any potential listeners. Maybe this view was wrong.

I was still very young, about 24 years. Living in a very small house on a hill at the pacific coast of Japan in a small town called Kamakura. On t his particular early summer day the sun was shining warm and bright. The sliding doors of my tiny “living room” opened on ta little not so well attended garden. Not being an employee I was free to enjoy my breakfast at a later time than many other people, so I think it was past 9 o’clock.

On this morning I opened my sliding doors, put a little self-made table next to the widely opened doors overlooking the garden with the sunlight slanting in from the left. My breakfast really was nothing special. I had ordinary white bread with a little strawberry marmalade, very far from being wholesome health food. Also, I did not do any sort of meditation or even assumed a proper or dignified posture of any kind. I was just sitting there on the floor with crossed legs, munching my breakfast and enjoying the warm sunshine.

Then suddenly, literally my “view of the world” changed. I remember sitting overlooking my garden, which actually ended in a stone wall blocking the view beyond, but the next moment this view of the world slid open like the shutter of a camera. The garden was still there, but at the same time I could see right through the mountain top in front of me onto the pacific ocean, which I knew was lying behind that mountain. And what had already been a brightly lit garden, was now inexplicably illuminated by a radiant light, although I think I could not locate the source of this light.

My view was not even limited by the ocean behind the mountain. It pierced the earth and the space beyond. No limitation I could identify. Simultaneously with this spatial see-through phenomenon time also became transparent. I am sure I perceive my own birth, sensing uncountable forgoing generations, witnessed my own growth, aging and death. Somewhere in the middle of this single line of time was a branch, my children I suppose. This was like a straight line drawn with a sharp pencil on a piece of white paper.

The transparency of time and space was not divided into two separate things. Just one. I would like to describe this experience with just one word: clear. Everything as perfectly clear. No questions.

Then the shutter snapped shut again, everything was back to normal, except for the memory of the event. Although I remember myself becoming transparent, after that moment I could not recall any finer details, or even reproduce portions of the experience in any genuine form. Now, all the questions were back too. How can I see through a mountain? How can I see my own birth and death, both temporal events at least decades away? What was it like to be “beyond questions”?

Although the details and essence of my experience are either lost, or more likely, locked away somewhere in my brain, or even directly in time and space, I know that I saw everything in a single moment. Today I am still just a normal person with as many or even more problems than everybody else, but I also believe, that the knowledge and memory of my experience has changed something in me. My life before and after that second of translucency changed significantly. One more thing seems to be apparent and undeniable: this experience was not brought about by some form of personal effort, training of the like, but should probably be described as a “gift from God”.

Currently I am not a follower of any particular religious belief. Yet, after my experience I could say, without blushing, I believe in God. Not the Christian God, nor any other description of a “God” found elsewhere, but in something that is far bigger than any of the religious systems ever designed by mankind. Something always present in everything, forever.




そこで私は ー 看護師に聞いて全ての患者! ー 当たり前のように酸化マグネシウム(下剤の一種)と大建中湯が処方される。










(正しい脾兪ではないが・・・)私の名前は Thomas Blasejewicz である事に関して動かぬエビデンスをいくらでもある。けれどもベッドサイドでは私の名前を踏み躙っていく通りにでも出ちあげた。つまり、エビデンスとベッドサイドは余り関係のない世界だ。








ここもまた保険診療の罠がある。つまり、説明するだけでは「点数」=保険会社に請求する診療報酬は殆ど稼げないから、医者にとって説明するのは時間と手間を掛かる割に収入に繋がらない → 要するに「ただ働き」になる。よって、そのような面倒な仕事は他人 → この場合私に押し付ける事が作戦でしょう。





* 例の診療所から往診してもらった当院に長年来院した高齢な女性がいました。話を聞いていると、保険を使って週2回ほど往診してもらい、それぞれの治療は15分程度で終わり、左程効果も感じなかったようです。しかし、半年に一度国から保険料はどれほど使ったかを報告するような葉書で記載されていた金額から逆算すると、一度の治療費は凡そ4300円でありました。鍼灸治療に保険を使うと一度の治療費は約1600円ほどです。参考まで。

* 四十代のビジネスマンが初めてその診療所に受診した際、先ず保険会社に提出する書類にサインして/判子をおして下さいと言われた。ビジネスマンですので直ぐ怪しいと思ったのは、書類に金額が書かれていませんでした。診療所で後に記入するそうです。ビジネスマンが商品=治療を「購入」させる際、先ず何より先に価格をはっきりしなければならないのは常識でしょう。通常の=真面目な仕事にありえない状態と思ったらしく、矢張り二度といきませんでした。

* 更に別の高齢女性が受診したが、相手(=診療所)の都合に合わせて、今度何日何時に来なさいの用に、その女性の都合や意向に合わないのに「強制的」に来させた。無論診療所は患者に対して「強制措置を施す」権利全くありませんが、年寄りの方なら何かの「先生」に「来なさい」と言われたら、従わなければならないような教育を受けていますから、仕方なく何度か受診しました。



詐欺のトライ - 警察の対応






車のパンフレット - 外国語
















1) 外科手術後の患者ケアーに対する鍼灸治療の応用

  • これは事前計画し、許可を得た「前向き研究」であった。

2)癌治療 - 鍼灸師の観点から

  • これは凡そ3年の間個人的に癌の治療に興味があったため、積極的癌患者を診るようにした結果を纏めたものだ(後ろ向き調査)。





Translator as “Bookfinder”

In the not so distant past the military used scouts, sometimes also called “pathfinders” (Merriam Webster: n (1840): one that discovers a way; esp: one that explores untraversed regions to mark out a new route — n or adj.), to find their way through unknown territory. Literally, these were people that could find a path not visible to anybody else. During a recent conference on translation, a certain question appeared in several different sessions: what actually is the job and/or function of a translator?

The answer to this question appears on first sight to be simple and obvious, but many of the attending translators and agencies presented widely varying definitions and concepts. This motivated me to write this little article and express an idea, I had for quite a while now. I.e., translators should also (or maybe even predominantly) be “bookfinders” in analogy to the above mentioned pathfinders. Below I will try to explain why.

I have been a translator for about 30 years and during this time spent nearly 100% of my working time with activities, involving the rendition of a certain meaning expressed in one language into another. Sometimes, in particular when the source text is of rather poor quality and/or ambiguous, this also involves a more less significant portion of text interpretation and re-writing. Nevertheless, the basic idea is always the same: change A into B. Very few, if any, people I happened to work with over the years have ever questioned or even challenged this view. This is simply considered to be the job and function of a translator.

Yet, if you are a translator for any specialized field, have a professional interest in extending your horizons, conduct a little research in your own or maybe even other fields of expertise, then you will certainly do some reading.

This puts the translator in a unique position. He/she is not only capable of professionally handling and evaluating two or more languages, but will be reading reference books on certain topics in these languages. Sometimes there are equivalents or even translations of certain valuable references, but most often not. Under these circumstances the translator can evaluate several books that might be worth translating from both linguistic and technical points of view.

I believe that a look at the currently available selection of translated books shows clearly, that the choices are definitely not always “professional”. They are made by publishers based on information and recommendations of sometimes questionable origin and mainly commercial considerations. This provides the general population with a selection of translated books influenced by a possibly biased and – naturally – profit orientated choice made by publishers. But this could also mean, that the average person has access only to a rather distorted view of the world.

Today, the internet offers access to the so-called information highway carrying more information with an incredibly short turnover time than anybody could ever handle. Yet, fast access to a terrifying amount of information could also block the view for the more distinct, practical, comprehensive and interesting information a book can provide. After all, reading should also be fun.

While access to the information highway may often prove to be very helpful, who would like to live in a house with the front door opening right onto the highway? Personally, I prefer the quiet small back roads. This is, where books come in. It takes much longer to publish a book than to publish and update a web site. Naturally, books are always somewhat “behind their time”, but that does not reduce their value.

For example, I am a native German living in Japan. I know of literally “uncountable” translations of German literature, science books etc. available in Japanese bookstores. Yet, whenever I visit Germany and wander through large bookstores, I can find at best a handful of Japanese books translated into German. A very illustrative little episode happened, when I visited the annual Tokyo International Book Fair a few years ago. There I asked a German publisher if they might be interested in the publication of translated Japanese books. The representative at that booth said: “No, why should we? Publisher XXX already has published two books.” This is hardly representative for a nation that publishes around ten thousand new books every year!

Thus, in spite of the omnipresent information highway and Japan being a superpower with a major impact on the world economy, intellectually it still remains largely uncharted territory (a sort of a black hole) for the people of other countries, because there is so little tangible (books that you can take in the hand in contrast to virtual material on the internet) information about it available. I firmly believe that the same situation also applies to quite a number of other countries.

Now, here is a field, in which translators could offer a real contribution to international understanding: selecting and recommending books worth of translation. The translator who recommends certain books might even do the entire translation. In many cases this would be not only be advantageous for the translator, but also the translation itself and thus the reader.



Teleportation practice

Sitting in my practice reading a book I am practicing teleportation. On this picture I have already started to leave, but while my figure is still visible, so are the things that were located behind my back.
With another 200 years of practice I hope to be able to do interstellar travel ….

(There is nice, rather old science fiction novel about this, called “Tiger! Tiger!”)