Author: Thomas

Japanese products first — 棒灸:かびてよかった・・・


お蔭様で今後 “Japan first” ではないが、Japanese products first の治療方針を取りたいと思う。得体の知りえない中国製商品は責任をもって患者に仕えないでしょう。
日本のメーカーにお願いです:是非とも品質の良い、誇りを持てる Japanese quality 作って下さい。お灸を施す鍼灸師が段々と少なくなる中でそのような商品は大変貴重な存在です。カビの対策として商品に防腐剤など混入させないで、注意書き位箱に入れてください。






Politeness in the digital age

I am registered in many sites pertaining to translation and interpretation. From one related to interpretation I got the following message in the afternoon. The job would have to be done the next day.

“New message from XXX XXX via
Automotive world 2019 , tokyo big sight
January 17 (10:00 – 18:00)”

That is all. No “please” or “are you available”, “could you help us out” … nothing.
Just “Tomorrow. Be there!”
Naturally, I reclined the “job offer”.
Is this the style of American, Chinese, Russian or other mafia like people.
Or is this now considered to be the “new standard” of politeness in the digital age?


私の所 PV:2556(今月ちょっと特別)
一位の所 PV:105
私の所 口コミ:69 (その時)
一位の所 口コミ:5
相互リンク: 私の所のみ



* 類似の文章は以前神奈川県鍼灸師会に送りましたが、この度神奈川県の担当部署と思われる所に送った。返事きたり、何かが変わる事はこないでしょうが、

“me-byo(u)” は無論「未病」の事を刺すはずでしょう。であれば、ちゃんと品のある日本語を使うべきだと確信しています。現代の日本人は常用漢字の「未病」はもう読めないようでしたら、せめてひらがなにしてください。
私の様に方事の日本語が辛うじて分かる外国人は「byo(u)」(書き方も又様々)が「病」 = disease を指しているだろうと悟でしょう。しかし、わざわざ横文字をつかって”me” を足して、しかもハイフンで “byo” と繋いでいると、当然 me = 私だと解釈します。つまり、方事しか日本語を話せない外国人が医者に行って、”me-byo” と言ったら、「俺が病気だぜ」と言っているような意味になります。
そもそも「未病」は一つの単語=概念です。ハイフンの出る幕はありません!そこでハイフンを使うと compound noun のようなものをさしています。 例えば: ”six-pack” や “up-down” 等の言葉。
そして日本語の読み方はどうして “me” になるでしょうか。「未定」や「未婚」は横文字で ”metei” か “mekon” で書くのでしょうか。日本語の発音「め」は横文字で “me” になります。日本語のローマ字表記は中学一年生で習うと聞いています。(辞書によって書き方も又色々と異なる)
お言葉は大変悪いから申し訳ないとおもいますが、そのような意味不明な言葉遣い/造語を使うと、日本人/日本を世界の前で笑いものしてしまう事になります。まるで団体旅行客が「私達は馬鹿です」と書いてある大きなバチを胸に付けているような感じです。(唯一の救いは、外国人がこのような不適切な日本語を殆ど見たり、聞いたりはしません。”Goto Travel” で日本人を恥さらしにするのは別かもしれません。)







Everybody does it – 24 hours a day – no big deal. 

YES, big deal! 

Breathing is essential to life. This is common knowledge. You can survive (only survive, not live) for almost 2 months without food, something like 7-10 days without water, but the brain tissue starts dying 3 minutes after oxygen supply has been interrupted. So, breathing is required for survival and everybody does it throughout life, without any interruption. What can be so special about that? 

Special is, that ALL healthy babies do it right, but only VERY FEW adults seem to capable of maintaining this skill. If you don’t think that this applies to you, well give it a (simple) try. 

Go some place where you (and some noise) won’t bother ordinary people (who might otherwise call the police and try to commit you to a lunatic hospital) and scream. Yes, that’s right: scream. With all the power you have and as long as you can do it. Most people I know will be very lucky, if they can keep screaming at the top of their voices for 10-15 minutes. After that your voice will start “fading”, because you get hoarse and later you may not be able to talk properly for days. 

THAT would be “normal” for most educated, civilized people. 

My eldest son, when he was about 6 months old, once managed to scream for a full 5 hours – with no apparent trouble. Neither during the screaming nor afterwards. Why? Because he was breathing correctly (which the mother did not like at all at the time!)

 Correct breathing would be the so-called abdominal breathing. Deep and slow, having your belly expand and retract. Textbooks on physiology give the normal respiratory rate (the number of inhalation and exhalation per minute) as 12-15 cycles, meaning a cycle of inhalation and exhalation takes 4-5 seconds. 

Personally I believe that is too fast. 

Too fast, excessive breathing may lead to “hyperventilation syndrome”, a condition were the victim may drop to the ground with uncontrollable spasms – like an epileptic. But these victims don’t have any brain lesions, they simply exhale too much carbon dioxide. This happens frequently in young girls that keep screaming during a rock concert. 

I advise my patients to attempt achieving a respiratory of 10, meaning 6 seconds per cycle. That may be far longer than you expect, when you try doing that while watching a clock. 

The deep breathing both provides you with more air than you would obtain during fast and shallow breathing and it reduces the amount of carbon dioxide you are venting into the air. That in turn raises the concentration of CO2 dissolved in the blood. And THAT has about the same effect as a mild tranquilizer! Here is reason why most meditating people appear to be so cool. 

So, if you are upset, anxious, cannot sleep etc. – try to slow your breathing as far as possible. 

Naturally, according to oriental thoughts correct breathing also provides your body with energy and power. The power that allows karate specialists to smash bricks and a tea master to prepare a cup of delicious tea. 

But this is something, I will write about next time.

1-Point Advice

Low Back Pain

  • Almost everybody will suffer once in his/her life time from low back pain.
  • The only bones supporting the center of your body are the vertebrae.
  • Thus, support of the “low back” is provided mainly by muscles around your waist.
  • Use your body to train those muscles.
  • The simplest way is walking.
  • Use the stairs instead of escalators and walk to the station instead of taking the bus.
  • The there is one acupoint known to tune your muscles.
  • The “Yang Mount Spring” (G34) laterally below the knee.
  • Regularly stimulate this point – like regular tooth brushing, using your fingers or objects with rounded head.
  • More information will come up in the scheduled frequent updates of this page.


  • 外国人が日本で鍼灸を見学/勉強したい場合の応援
    • 日本の鍼灸師 - 力を貸して下さい!
    • 外国人見学希望者を自分の治療院等で見学させて下さい
    • (中に暫く「弟子」になりたい人もいるようです)
  • 鍼灸/東洋医学に関する和英(+独)の用語集を作成する
  • 可能であれば日本語の本を外国で出版してくれる出版社を見つける(翻訳作業)
    • 「治療家の手の作り方-反応論・触診学試論」 -  [形井秀一]
    • 出版社: 六然社 (2002/01)、ISBN-10: 4901609106
  • この本に関して以前オーストラリアから来た見学者が帰国後一所懸命宣伝してくれたため、出版社2件から「興味有り」との反応があった。
  • そのため本の所々から「サンプル」を取って英訳した事ある。ここに参考までのせる。
  • 中国ではどちらかと言うと「理論」が優先的に考え、○○証だと決めたら例の「標準経穴」に治療する。患者がその場所に反応が有るか否かが余り興味がないようだ。そこで形井先生が纏めてくれた日本の触診の優れた技術を是非とも海外の方に知って欲しい!
  • 私は翻訳者が単にある文章を他の言語の文章に翻訳する物だけではなく、どのような*** 文章 = 本 ***が翻訳する価値がある事を仕事柄上で見つける「専門家」である。残念ながら実際に翻訳される文献の選択はそのような「価値」と無関係で選ばれる。以前私の意見が雑誌で出版された:
  • The above book describes the highly sophisticated Japanese palpation skills acquired and required during good acupuncture therapy. Many Japanese practitioners rely in their treatment on the findings obtained through this kind of very sensitive touch, instead of the theory and pattern driven selection of the so-called “standard point locations”. I believe, a translation of this book would be an invaluable asset to western oriental medical community in general!
  • (The link points to an article I wrote about a translators function as a “bookfinder” (in analogy to pathfinder).
  • Translator as “Bookfinder”
  • Sample -> below

自作を通して養生を促し、(国の)医療費削減に貢献する (医療+金)


“True” or “authentic” acupuncture

Well, this is a very much discussed topic. Although there is a serious lack in research into the scientific basis of acupuncture, an not insignificant number of studies have been performed, trying to verify the efficacy of acupuncture. For that purpose one thing that always pops up is the distinction between “true” and “sham” acupuncture. Like the distinction between the real drug and a placebo in clinical trials. Apart from the fact, that the design of pharmaceutical clinical trials cannot really be applied to research into acupuncture, the concepts of “true” and “sham” acupuncture present a problem, I believe.
Naturally, performing “sham” acupuncture, not considering the ethical implications of “knowingly deceiving” the patient, is always difficult to realize technically. But the real problem is not the “sham” acupuncture – it is the “true” acupuncture.
The Chinese try to make everybody on earth believe, that their way is the only “authentic” = “true” form of acupuncture. Yet, it uses needles almost as think as sharp-pencil mines, that are inserted “free hand”. This requires some REAL (!) skill to do it in such a way, that it is NOT painful.
I have tried a lot of different brands of needles, but by now come to the conclusion, that “Made in China” represents a very low manufacturing quality. Needling with needles “Made in China” is almost inevitably painful. I tried that myself. And on top of that, the assertion is, that unless you do not elicit the so-called “de-qi” feeling, which is according to definitions by most physiologists a kind of pain, the acupuncture will not be effective.
MOST of my patients, including myself, do NOT like the pain called “de-qi”, or “tokki”, as it is called in Japan. Thus, one type of pain coupled with another type of pain (from the technically poor needles) causes the patient CONSIDERABLE dyscomfort! In fact, and I have been told so by people who underwent such treatment in Germany or the USA, the dyscomfort is so intense, that even though the patients received money from the government, in order to participate in a study designed to show the efficacy of acpuncture, they rather choose to drop out of that study. It was just too painful. And the treatment had been delivered by professionals with something like +20 years clinical experience!
If the treatment is something like a medieval torture, so that patients break into cold sweat even before the third or fourth treatment session and therefore leave the study, the obtained results can hardly verify the value of acupuncture treatment.
Using Japanese needles, technically superior, which are much thinner and inserted with the help of a tube, so that there is usually no pain or dyscomfort whatsoever, “Japanese style” acupuncture treatments still relieves many of the patient’s symptoms – without pain or dyscomfort. Usually my patients leave with much improved symtoms and a feeling of satisfaction.

I think, the world should know about this! And put the true acupuncture into perspective.